22 December 2005

It's a Christmas Miracle!

I woke up with no hangover whatsoever. Wine is so great for that reason. I can drink lots of it (read: at least a bottle) and wake up feeling like $100, which is roughly $4 more than I feel like the morning after a wine-less night. In short, if drinking pinot grigio and waking up w/o a hangover were an Olympic event, I'd be to it what Mark Spitz was to swimming.
I'm afraid I might sound like a huge lush to anyone reading this blog lately. Remember though, I am on winter break; I don't drink on school nights, unless it's book club night which is only 1 Thursday/month. Michael (roommate) and I celebrated our rock star style recovery from a night of debauchery with a trip to the mall to finish his Xmas shopping. Turns out we ended up spending more money on ourselves than we did on the people on our xmas list. Nothing says Christmas like a new pair of premium denim and hot boots (which were totally marked down) for Tara!
Then the real Christmas miracle happened. I baked. Now, I use the term "bake" very loosely here. Michael went to the store to buy the materials to "bake" Christmas cookies. I'm pretty sure my foremothers didn't have it as easy as we did tonight. He came home with a big box that weighed about 8 lbs. In it, were several large pouches of powdery stuff, to which all we had to add were a few eggs and about a pound butter. Next thing you know, I've "baked" 3 different types of cookies! One was even this checkerboard pattern- sugar cookie and gingerbread cookie- which looked really intricate and fancy. It was really amazing. I put a few on a snowman plate and suddenly I'm Sarah fucking Lee. This baking thing isn't so hard after all!
That said, I am a total failure at being a woman. Technically I am quite good at cooking and baking- even the kind requiring multiple steps and ingredients- but I totally hate doing it, and I pretty much rely on my gay roommate to do any cooking that goes on in our apartment. I'm good at some woman stuff, but not the kinds of things you'd do in the kitchen. Well, I take that back. I've done such things in the kitchen but they're not traditionally supposed to be done there. Anyway, I can't sew, I have no babies, I'm not even sure I want them, I suck at polishing my own nails, I hate romantic comedies and Julia Roberts, and we have a cleaning lady (Michael's idea and dime) so I don't even clean anymore (which I used to be really awesome at). For being raised by a very womanly beautiful woman, I suck. I am a good shopper though, and I walk really well in high heels.
Well, I guess I should technically try to sleep. My roommate and his new beau are sitting on the couch "watching a movie" so I can't sleep out there with the TV on, which is how I prefer to sleep when I don't have to wake up to an alarm going off at 5:00 a.m.


Blogger Brian South said...

First of all, Tara, don't worry. You are a lush.

Secondly, I think "foremothers" is probably the best word I've heard all year. Well done! Seriously, it rocks.

And finally, when did Michael get a new boyfriend? I think you could devote your blog totally to his romantic exploits and have new post every day (and it would proabably be interesting to read, actually).

Still in Dayton. I'm actually able to relax a bit. I think it's because there are people I'm comforable with around, and I can just let myself sit and release some stress. Or something. Dr. Y thinks I have to have a reason to do anything, even relax, and I think he's right. I'm constantly either justifying something or not doing it.

This comment has gone all way too long. It's like my own minipost. =)


7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girlfriend, it's one of your college friends, who happened to read your blog. I wonder if you can figure out who it is. Cleaning lady!!!!! Go Michael. Please send one my way.

1:13 PM  

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