17 December 2005


That's George Costanza. I watched the episode where Elaine and Jerry try to set George up with Elaine's friend. I saved it to TiVo because it is a classic. I think, based on that episode, that I would be George Costanza's type of girl. I have long, flowing hair, through which he could run his fingers and get them out. There's a pinkish hue in my skin. I'm not by any means to sweet, at least not to the point where he would want to throw up. I'm not sure I'd date George though. Too stocky.
That doesn't mean, however, that I don't LOVE George. He might be the greatest television character of all time. I love a good flawed character, and he is the ultimate flawed character. That's probably why I also like Curb Your Enthusiasm so much. LD is such an idiot, but I love watching him say totally inappropriate things and make idiotic decisions. Sideways is another great film for the fan of the flawed character. Some people hated that movie because they didn't like the two main characters, who were wino, loser infidels. I, conversely, loved them for that exact reason. Who wants to watch a movie about a pretty person making the right decisions all the time. Booo! Do something dumb, god damnit, so I don't feel so badly for always doing dumb stuff myself!
Back to Seinfeld, I go through phases where I am more of an Elaine fan, too. I don't look anything like Elaine, except that my hair is dark and I have "Shiksa-ppeal," but people used to tell me in the late 90's that I look like her. I think it's more my Elaine-esque personality. My grandpa said once that he was watching Seinfeld and "Tara reminds me of that crazy broad Elaine." Gee, thanks Pop. I've been compared to uglier women, such as the ugly girl in My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Riki [expletive deleted] Lake, so I don't mind when people say that, even if they are totally incorrect.


Blogger Chairborne Stranger said...

I love Seinfeld, what a great show. This is a classic episode.

Chicago rocks too. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

10:19 AM  

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