21 January 2006

The Comic Sans (and 3 others) faux pas

I'm not very good at self-censorship. I'm usually surrounded by people who have accepted this flaw of mine. That's not the case at work, where I find myself having to work very hard at watching what I say. This, as you can imagine, is tiresome, and downright impossible sometimes. Well, I slipped up but good the other day.
Brian and I were looking at the website I am working on for our literacy center at the school. It's in the beginning stages, and I still have lots of work to do. I am using Trebuchet as the main font. I love that font. I think it's a classy font- modern and stylish. Brian, however, looked at it and said it was dangerously close to Comic Sans. This is the ultimate insult to a girl like me, who has been making critical font decisions since sophmore year in high school when I was the sports editor of both the yearbook AND the school newspaper. I hate comic sans. And if I were ever to establish a relationship with a man online, I'd immediately eliminate him from the running if I ever saw the font used in any form of communication we shared. It's silly. It's whimsical. It's cute, and I hate anything that can be described as cute (i.e. "Did you see Mr. and Mrs. Smith? It was so cute.") It's not like I'm some kind of font nazi, but I know what fonts I like. So I felt Brian was insulting my taste when he accused me of selecting a comic sans-like font. I blurted out, quite loudly I assume, "Comic Sans? Are you kidding? Comic Sans is for idiots!" I thought I was safe saying this because I was in the English department where I was the only publications person in the room. I was wrong. 5 feet away from me was easily the nicest person I know, nice to a fault even, who looked at me like I had just said "Suburban mothers of 2 are idiots!" Turns out, this sickeningly nice woman uses Comic Sans for everything. She even had a comic sans scripted flyer sitting on her desk to prove it. It was easily one of the worst foot-in-mouth moments I've ever had, not necessarily because it was particularly mean, but because the recipient of the blunder is so damn nice. Here's a few more:

1. While sharing a cab to the airport with a nice old couple from a hotel in Mexico, the woman, who looked about 80-years-old, told me she sold real estate in the Chicago area, to which I replied "YOU STILL WORK?"
2. In an attempt to send a highly personal email to someone I had just started dating, I actually sent it to my ENTIRE address book, including my dad and my ex husband. Fortunately, my ex, in his infinite kindness, called me immediatelly and said, "Um Tara, you just sent a REALLLY embarassing email to everyone in your address book." This blunder keeps me up nights to this day, where I'll think about it and get a really sick feeling in my stomach. I laugh about it now, but it was easily the most panick stricken I've ever been.
3. While on my honeymoon, my then-husband and I met two very stylish men from Italy who were vacationing in this adults-only resort together. One was a menswear designer and the other an entreprenuer. In a conversation with the menswear designer I said, "How long have you and your partner been together?" To which he replied, "No, we're not in business together. We're just friends." Assuming the Italian/English language barrier made him mistake my use of 'partner' as in boyfriend for partner as in business associate, I said, "No, I mean how long have you and your boyfriend been together?" He replied, "We're not gay!" To which I think I said, "Yes you are!" To be fair, I was pretty hammered. But clearly, they were god damnit! They were sharing a room for Christ's sake!

If Thomas J. Noisewater reads this entry, I'll need him to contribute in the comments section because he has been there every time I've said something dumb. Anyone else that can think of one, feel free to add on.


Blogger Brian South said...

Ah, the Comic Sans story. One that will live forever.

And as for Faux Pas #2: I remember that! HILARIOUS!!!

3:57 PM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

let's not talk about it. okay?

5:32 PM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

mango, you are so right. I realize now that i should have held my ground.

here's why.

I did not say "people who use comic sans are idiots." I simply said "comic sans is for idiots." So, what I should have done is told this nice woman that she has simply chosen the wrong font because she is not an idiot. see? I turned it into a compliment! damn it. i'm not very good under pressure.

it's like the jerk store thing on seinfeld.

7:46 AM  
Blogger Lizzie said...

I love the second one. A friend of mine did something similar. She dated a lot of guys when we were in France and she mentioned in an email to a friend how she was "going through penises like toilet paper." Only, she accidentally sent it to her entire address book - her parents, her grandparents, her 8 year old brother. She was mortified but I was laughing for days.

2:34 PM  
Blogger mango said...

Hahaha - my best mate sent an email to me and another friend about a guy she picked up on a long haul flight - including a very graphic account of the sex and a comparison to her ex boyfriend - and somehow also accidentally sent it to her mother - cringe.

Now whenever she starts talking about a guy she's with I say 'oooh, sounds juicy, have you told your mother yet?'

I know, I'm so mature.

11:20 PM  
Blogger Brian South said...

Yo--don't you think your header's a bit too much like mine?!?

5:11 PM  
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3:31 AM  

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