03 January 2006

Resume boosters

I wish my current post could offer as much debauchery and gluttony as the last one. Nope. This one is just about the fact that school has resumed. No debauchery or gluttony. Just agony. I almost think it would be healthier for me as a teacher if there were no breaks of the 2-week winter break variety. It was so painful this morning looking at that clock with the 5:00 staring me in the face. I swear when it went off I heard evil laughing from NPR's Melissa Block. For some reason, I can never sleep the night before the first day back to school. I took a Tylenol PM and I even had the BF with me, two of the three key ingredients for the perfect night's sleep (the third being pinot grigio, which, believe it or not, I do have enough restraint not to drink on a school night). Nevertheless, I found myself awake for most of the night. It was balls. I relied solely on adrenaline to get me through the day. On my ride home from work, I kept slowing down at stop lights (not a popular move here in Chicago) hoping I would hit the red light so I could catch a quick nap while I waited for it to change. (My logic: They'll beep!) I think I did pretty good at work though; no one would have known how miserable I was, unless they interpreted the black turtleneck, black slacks, black boots and black rimmed glass as mourning, which was in fact how it was meant to be interpreted. I had this awesome fake-happy thing going on all day. "Oh my god! How was your trip to ____________ (insert exotic locale here)?" The older I get, the more effectively I can fake happiness. You know the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine is really pissed that George and Susan get engaged, but the she fakes being happy for George when she runs into him at Jerry's apartment? I'm like that these days. I can be weeping bitterly on my car ride to work (not uncommon) and then walk in the door and put on a bright phony smile for my least favorite freshmen students. I might add this to my resume.


Blogger Brian South said...

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5:25 PM  
Blogger Brian South said...

I like how the fact that you don't have a picture in your post mirrors your dismal mood.

I also like the fact that there are TWO new Scrubs on tonight.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

yeah, i couldn't even conjure up the appropriate image. I tried taking a picture of myself with my signature fake smile, but it wasn't working. I am about to sit down at watch the scrubs episodes now. I'm excited. i missed this show. Had a great session with dr. yap tonight.

6:53 PM  
Blogger Lucy said...

On Halloween in our old neighborhood, the adults did Trick or Drink while taking the kids around. Each house had wine, and adults carried plastic wineglasses. Anyway, my neighbor across the street was a first grade teacher. I loveloveloved watching her go to work every November 1st wearing all black with enormous black sunglasses on. I'd make sure to shout out really loud HI ELLEN GOOD MORNING HOW ARE YOU? just to see her cringe.


7:14 PM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

Note to self: never go out drinking with esbee on week night.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Lucy said...

You can go out drinking with me. Just don't let me catch you the next day with a hangover. :D

8:03 PM  
Blogger Lizzie said...

You should definitely put that on your resume. You could also add the "not drinking on school nights" part.

Hope today was better, Tara!

12:55 PM  
Blogger Chairborne Stranger said...

well i hope you had a better day as well!

and i wouldn't drink with esbee...or lizzie...those two are nothing but Trouble

5:47 PM  
Blogger Brian South said...

I would.

6:29 PM  

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