16 February 2006

You can't very well dust for vomit

I heard an interesting story on NPR this morning about this. Good stuff. I listen to only NPR. Most people click around to other stations here and there, but I see no reason for that. I don't have much free time during the week, so even though a newspaper would be my favorite source of news, the fact is I am out of my house for 14 hours each day, leaving very little time to curl up with the Trib and a cup of coffee. So I can get great in- depth coverage of horrifying things like this on my ride to and from work. Plus, I love the slightly less horrifying stuff like this that I can get on the weekends. I'm even a member.

I watched part of Spinal Tap today. I ordered it and Airplane last week from Amazon.com, who shipped the two DVDs in an enormous box that, when it arrived, made me wonder if I had ordered an actual airplane rather than the film Airplane. It was an impulse buy; I never buy movies, but I made an exception for these two classics. There are so many great moments in Spinal Tap. Every time I watch it, I notice something funny that I didn't notice before (like the matching cold cores that Nigel and David have or the bulge in Derek Smalls' pants).

You can probably tell by this shit post that I am feeling uninspired. I'm not entirely sure what the reason is for the lack of inspiration, but it might have to do with one or all of the following things:

1. I can't talk to my best friend anymore (long story that I cannot publish).
2. I haven't seen my BF since Sunday and I won't see him until this coming Sunday.
3. One of my friends from St. Louis is coming in to visit this weekend, and I am stressed about how much money I'll have to spend while she's here.
4. I have my period,
5. and I have a weigh-in tomorrow at WW, and I am sure #4 is going to impact my numbers.
6. So I am going to have to starve myself all day tomorrow.
7. I left my awesome portable coffee thermos on my desk at work,
8. so I am going to have to use my other "portable" mug that does not close all the way, which means I will be splashing coffee all over myself as I leave the house tomorrow morning at 5:30 carrying my gym bag, my book bag, my lunch bag and my not-so-handy travel mug.
9. My editors are, once again, late at getting the issue out.

Okay. I better go before this list makes it into the double digits.


Blogger Lizzie said...

I've never seen Spinal Tap, but I love Airplane.

You've got to stop teasing us by mentioning things that you cannot blog about. Can you just give us a hint about what happened with your friend? (hypocritically says she she who only blogs about everything BUT the one thing she really wants to blog about.)

You should look at the upside of having your period for your WW weigh-in. You can eat whatever you want before then and blame any extra pounds on your period.

I'm sorry you feel so uninspired. I can totally relate. Hope things get better. I mean that.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Lucy said...

trandporting coffee trick: add a layer of foam on top. It keeps the sloshing down without raising the calories prohibitively.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Boy, if I listed off things that suck in my life I'd probably have even less readers. Cheer up, Tara. K? Maybe this will help:

Boy, if I listed off things that suck in my life I'd probably have even less readers. Cheer up, Tara. K? Maybe this will help:

The bigger the cushion
The sweeter the pushin'
That's what I said
The looser the waistband
The deeper the quicksand
Or so I have read
My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
I'd like to sink her w/ my pink torpedo

Lizzie, that's from Spinal Tap. Now go rent it! That's your homework.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

Flesh tuxedo.

I was laughing out loud in that scene. Hilarious.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

Hi, Christine (Daae as in the girl in Phatom?).
I think I heard the winners have been announced. I don't know though. Try Oprah's web page to find out. Good luck!

8:19 PM  

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