17 July 2006

All You Need is Comfortable

I got a drunk dial from an old male friend this morning. He's famous for these and we always have a good philosophical talk when I'm on the receiving end, even if it is 4:00 in the morning. He just recently started "seeing" (I am using this term loosely) a girl who finally meets many of his requirements I've been hearing about for the past two years. There is a list of personality traits his potential lovers must possess, among them are: attractive, smart, funny, nice, good family/job/head on her shoulders. Some of the girls he has dated have met all of these requirements, some of them only a few. Yet there was one requirement that had never been met since his ex, with whom he had a painful breakup a while back. She has to love good music. When I say good music, I don't mean fucking Coldplay. I mean never-make-it-to-the-radio, hard- core high brow indie rock. Let me tell you, people that like the music he likes are few and far between (hence the lack of radio airtime). Yet he has found one. He found one! She's cute, smart, funny, and owns Alien Lanes by Guided By Voices! It's unheard of (except for me of course). She gets the obscure pop culture references he makes! She laughs at his goofy sense of humor! She can appreciate a good old-fashioned guilty pleasure rock song, and she can dance like a rap video girl! What's the problem, right? He called me at 4:00 in the morning to express this concern that is, in my opinion, the best phrase of the 90s:

"I need to get out of this thing before it gets too serious. I can see myself falling in comfortable with her and getting stuck."

OH. MY. GOD. If this weren't so hilarious, it would be disturbing. This led to, of course, replacing the word "love" with the word "comfortable" in a whole shitload of songs like "Comfortable lifts us up where we belong" and "All You Need is Comfortable."
He said that he is missing that "boom" he gets when he meets a girl and wants to hook up with her right away. Yet he's had that "boom" about 16 times in the past two years, but he hasn't kept a girl around for more than 2 months. He said "She's just Jen, you know?" And I'm saying, every girl turns into "Just (insert name here)" at some point, right? (He seriously needs to re-read High Fidelity). I mean, do you seriously need to have that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling every single time you see a person to make it work? I would think that would get to be kind of annoying after a while, no? I mean, a constant nervous stomach? I think I'll pass on that. Since when did getting comfortable with someone become a bad thing?

* Here's a shout out to my readers in Darien. Great party on Saturday night; HunkyKen and I had fun. Thanks for reading, and leave a comment!


Blogger Lucy said...

Comfortable isn't a bad thing, but losing butterflies after only 2 months is. You should still feel at least minimal excitement about seeing the person.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

Yeah I thought of that too. I've just seen what 'butterfly girls' do to this guy, and it never works out.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

I'll give her your name, 4D.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Lizzie said...

I agree with Esbee. Plus, I don't think that being scared of getting comfortable and stuck is a bad thing when you're in your 20s (I assume he is?). You have the rest of your life to get comfortable with someone.

1:27 AM  
Blogger Dwight Supremacy said...

I avoid falling in comfortable by only "hanging out" with someone for single nights at a time. Or maybe it is everyone I hang out with who doesn't want to fall in comfortable with me? Hmmm. Either way, for now, it works.

8:35 AM  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Maybe the High Fidelity book is better than the movie. Hope so cos that movie blew so bad.

Comfortable, comfortable me do / You know I comfortable you / I'll always be true / So plea-ea-ea-ease / Comfortable me do.

Butterflies is good, but not to the point of nausea perhaps...

Comment 6 of 20

12:36 AM  
Blogger Marc said...

This has to be one of my favorite Sue Ellen posts yet... well done.

If ole' drunk-dialer isn't careful, he's going to end up alone or, worse yet, "uncomfortable" rather than "comfortable."

7:02 PM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

Marc, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! I keep telling drunk dialer that same thing.

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for mentioning our party. I consider it my 30 seconds of fame. I love reading your blog. I laugh so hard I nearly piss my pants. What did I just say? I meant I enjoy it more than Pirates of Penzance (just watched Pretty Woman last night).

10:46 AM  
Blogger Will said...

She may have Alien Lanes, but I'd check she's got Mag Earwhig before committing further.

8:16 AM  
Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

Will, touche! I'll make sure he does a full GBV inventory before falling in comfortable with anyone.

7:50 PM  

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